Saturday 9 May 2015

INDIA'S First Girl Quintuplets Are Now Born In PUNJAB (The Land Of Golden Temple)

Chandigarh, Punjab, May 8th:

INDIA'S First Girl Quintuplets Are Now Born In PUNJAB (The Land Of Golden Table)

This is the first time ever case in India, where a women from Punjab state gave birth to 5 girls.

A couple from Sangrur are now parents of India's first ever born all girl quintuplets last week.
These 5 baby girls were born at a private hospital in Bhucho town near Bhatinda, Punjab.

Pic only for representation

Kuldeep kaur aged 32 is a wife of a farmer Sukhpal singh already have 2 daughters aged 4 and 7.
No hospital was ready to take up this kind of complicated case of Kuldeep kaur's pregnancy. However, Kuldeep kaur was adimitted to a private hospital in Bhucho town near Bhatinda.

Kuldeep kaur's life was in danger as she was carrying 5 babies with just 5gm blood. The ultra sound has detected only 4 babies but Kuldeep actually delivered 5 girl babies said Dr Harkiran Kaur, head of gynaecology department, Adesh Hospital, who supervised the deliveries.

Each baby weights just 850 gms which is much lesser than the actual standard weight of a baby.
These baby girls were born prematurely, as they were delivered in 7 months of pregnancy. Dr. Harikaran Kaur says that they are taking care of the mom and babies.

Despite of having 2 daughters, and their life in poverty, the couple still decided to give birth to 5 more girl babies.

“I am proud of my daughters and will leave no stone unturned to educate them,” said Sukhpal Singh, who belongs to a family of farmers.

Adesh Hospital authorities said as a gesture of goodwill, the hospital waived off all expenses incurred during and after the deliveries.
The authorities have appealed the people to help the poor couple. While some people have already come forward for adoption, some have offered monetary help.

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