Tuesday 26 May 2015

5 Best Exercises MEN Can Do for Better SEXUAL INTERCOURSE

5 Best Exercises MEN Can Do for Better SEXUAL INTERCOURSE

Better Sex Exercise No. 1: Weight Lifting
Weight lifting causes the body to produce testosterone, which is the primary precursor for the male sex drive

Better Sex Exercise No. 2: Kegels
Doing Kegels is considered a good sex exercise for men because these exercises can help endurance and control by toning the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles — the ones that let you stop the flow of urine mid-stream.

Better Sex Exercise No. 3: Yoga
Practicing yoga will give you better sex by allowing your body to get into creative positions for maximum pleasure during intercourse. “Yoga will help your flexibility,” which can result in better sex

Better Sex Exercise No. 4: Fast Walking.
In a study of 31,000 men over age 50, Harvard researchers found that aerobic exercise resulted in a 30-percent lower risk of erectile dysfunction (ED).

Better Sex Exercise No. 5: Swimming
Swimming for at least 30 minutes three times a week will increase sexual endurance

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